Penghantaran Abstrak
Publication of ICT4U 2.0 USM Conference Papers
Format Abstrak
Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris
Tajuk tidak melebihi 30 patah perkataan atau dua (2) baris, 14pt
Penulisan abstrak tidak melebihi 150 patah perkataan (tidak termasuk maklumat tajuk dan penulis)
Microsoft Word, saiz A4
Tulisan Arial, 12pt. 1.0 langkau (spacing), 2.5 bahagian tepi (margin).
Tempoh pembentangan : 15 minit termasuk Q & A
We would like to provide you with important information regarding the publication process for the papers presented at the ICT4U USM Conference. Kindly take note of the following options:
MJOC - Special Issue:
- The next publication is scheduled for April 2025, and ICT4U will be selecting only 15 papers for this special issue.
- ICT4U will submit the selected papers to the Malaysian Journal of Computing (MJOC) on behalf of the participants.
- For reference, please review the submission guidelines here:
Dateline for participant to submit Final Paper for MJOC : 11 October 2024.
MJCS - Regular Issue:
- Alternatively, authors may submit their papers directly to the regular issue of the Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (MJCS).
- Submission must be done individually by the authors.
- Please find the submission guidelines here:
Please feel free to choose your preferred publication option and ensure that your manuscript adheres to the respective journal's format requirements.
For plenary session presentation schedule, kindly refer to the ICT4U 2.0 website under the “Aturcara” menu option.
Should you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to reach out to the ICT4U team.
Thank you for your continued support and valuable contributions to the conference.
Chief Editor
ICT4U 2.0
Presentation Slides Submission
The presenter of an accepted abstract is expected to submit presentation slides before September 17, 2024 via secretariat email
Presentation format : Microsoft Power Point (max 15 slides)
Duration : 15 minutes (including Q&A)
Please check your presentation schedule and session on the ICT4U website.